Phoenix Suns adopt Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 as team's tablet, marking a new era in the NBA
The Phoenix Suns don’t have exactly their best year in the NBA, but they sure stay up to date with technology - the basketball team has become the first to fully adopt the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 for all of its operations. The team has passed on the iPad and favored the Android-based Galaxy Tab for both its on and off court operations.
The Suns will also use the tablets to show basketball fans how they can get seated at the U.S. Airways Center. The basketball team and its management also want to engage fans to get more social and engage in various activities during games.
The players will also get a Galaxy Tab to prepare for games with the Phoenix playbook, training videos and itineraries.
Here’s what the Suns had to say about the adoption of the tablet:
Our organization has always placed a priority on remaining at the forefront of digital innovation within the sports industry. Utilizing the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network to integrate the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 into our daily operations is yet another great digital milestone for the Suns.
"marks the beginning of a new era in the NBA, where I think teams throughout the league will want to integrate a tablet into their operations."
Coach Alvin Gentry mentioned that this source: Samsung
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