Petition started to ask Google to make apps for Windows Phone

One of the most annoying things about using Windows Phone for many users is that Google has absolutely refused to support the platform and as such has only made one app for the OS, a Google Search app, which is sub-par to be kind. But, now users are trying to take the matter into their own hands by starting up a petition to ask Google to support Windows Phone by making more apps.
We can't say that the petition will have much effect on Google, but if it gets enough signatures, it will surely be difficult to ignore. We've already signed, because while we do accept that Google will hold certain features for its own Android system, the company has shown a willingness to support a competing platform in iOS, so why not Windows Phone as well?
Besides, we've done a whole series of what it's like to be an Android user moving to Windows Phone, and one of the worst things isn't that you have to rely on 3rd party apps for Google services, but that those apps could very well be stealing your login credentials, because they don't use OAuth or any secure options.
If you want to sign, just head to the source.
source: Petition to Google via WMPU
Things that are NOT allowed: