Pembroke Pines, Florida passes the state's first resolution to warn cellphone users about cancer

Located in between South Beach and Fort Lauderdale, the city of Pembroke Pines has become the first in the State of Florida to pass a resolution warning cellphone users about the risk of getting cancer from cellphone radiation. The resolution from Pembroke Pines warns those using a cellphone to keep it at least one inch away from their body. The resolution also suggests that cellphone users use a wired headset or the speakerphone on a mobile handset. And instead of making phone calls, the city suggests communicating via email or text. Pembroke Pines also urges all of its cellphone using residents to keep up to date on the latest scientific reports about cellphone radiation.
The World Health Organization, Government Accountability Office and National Cancer Institute have all said that cellphones could be linked to cancer. Scientists say that it is too early in the game and that more study is needed. Meanwhile, last year the WHO said that the risk of a cellphone user getting cancer doubles after using a mobile handset for at least half an hour daily for ten years.
Pembroke Pines plans on sending the resolution throughout the state, eventually reaching the governor's office. The city would like to see school boards and other cities throughout the Sunshine State pass a similar resolution. The impetus behind the resolution was the cancer diagnosis received by Pines resident Jimmy Gonzalez who in August 2011 had a cancerous brain tumor removed from the area above Gonzalez' left ear, where he used to hold his handset for hours. The year before, he had a tumor removed from his left hand, in between his index finger and middle finger. Gonzalez is now cancer-free and hopes that his story will prove to be an inspiration. Nowadays, he hooks his cellphone up to a dock in the car so he rarely has to hold it, and when he does, he uses it to send text messages.
source: Sun-Sentinel
"Our city's resolution isn't about creating panic and alarm. It's about raising awareness in a responsible way to ensure that the health of all cellphone users is protected."-Pembroke Pines City Commissioner Angelo Castillo
Pembroke Pines commissioners are also taking precautions. Vice Mayor Carl Shechter stopped clipping his phone to his belt. Mayor Frank Ortis now hooks up his cellphone to his car to avoid holding it against his head. And while Pembroke Pines cellphone policies won't change because of the resolution, it is hoped that city workers follow the guidelines to protect themselves when using their phone.
source: Sun-Sentinel
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