Patent infringement suit against Apple's FaceTime, dismissed in 2015, returns to the courtroom

New suit claims that FaceTime infringes on five U.S. patents
The patents help two devices link with each other on a network that neither device is permanently connected to. For example, the user of phone 1 opens a VoIP app to make a call to phone 2. When the app is open, it broadcasts the IP address to a server which notes the information and says the first user is online. Using the same method, the server determines if the second user is online. If it is determined that the second user is indeed online, the server sends its IP address to the first user. The latter initiates a request to communicate. When one of the parties logs off, the database is updated to include the latest status.
Apple allegedly infringes on the Straight Path patents when users' IP addresses are tracked by Apple Push Network services and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) technology. Additionally, FaceTime's hardware integration with devices like the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and the Mac are said to infringe on technology employed 20-years ago on the WebPhone. This exact case was first filed in 2014, and was dismissed without prejudice in 2015, meaning that the case could be re-filed.
Straight Path Complaint by Mikey Campbell

source: Scribd via AppleInsider
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