Partial specs for 5G hardware receive approval from 3GPP members
3GPP says it has decided on hardware specs for NSA 5G NR
The members of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) have decided on new hardware standards for the upcoming 5G service that should debut in 2018 at the earliest. With the Non-Standalone (NSA) 5G New Radio (NR) specifications approved, suppliers will know exactly what they will have to build in order to meet the specs required by manufacturers. These specs will be published later this week. Matt Branda, the director of technical marketing at Qualcomm, said "This is really the step that enables vendors to start building equipment." The specs include support for low-frequency (600MHz, 700MHz), mid-range (3.5GHz) and high-frequency (50GHz) spectrum.
"It was extremely aggressive and people put in an awful lot of extra time and effort and it looks like we’ve made it. We believe we’re at a point where silicon manufacturers can begin their designs and start developing silicon."-,” Dave Wolter, AVP of Radio Technology and Strategy at AT&T Labs, told FierceWirelessTech earlier this week."-Dave Wolter, AVP of Radio Technology and Strategy, AT&T Labs
The 3GPP members will still have to approve the Standalone (SA) 5G specs, which probably won't happen until next June. But right now, we have taken the first "Mother may I?" step toward 5G service.
source: @3GPPLive via FierceWireless
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