Palm Pre shoots video

Until Palm releases software that would allow the Pre to use its' hardware to capture video, it is up to Pre owners to devise a way to get it done. Over at the precentral forum, a few members have been working on making videos with the device's camera, and they have been successful with some restrictions. The video is limited to 320 X 480 at 30fps while the handset's hardware is reportedly able to handle 720 X 480 at 30fps. Another problem is that by default, the video comes out badly formatted and most video players will not play what you have shot. The guys working with the video have found one, SMPlayer, that seems to be able to play back the video. With all of the competition in the Touchscreen area of the market, we would imagine that Palm will sooner rather than later, release the software needed to support the Pre's video capabilities.
Palm Pre Specifications | Review
source: precentral
Palm Pre Specifications | Review
source: precentral
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