Own a pre-2013 Kindle? It might need to be updated before March 22nd to keep functioning

If you own a pre-2013 Amazon Kindle, you need to take the following set of instructions seriously. Failure to do so could result in the inability of your device to connect to Kindle services, and it could prevent your unit from downloading Kindle books until you complete a manual update of your device. It is better to complete the update before the deadline passes so that you won't have to do it the hard way.
First, ask yourself if you have been wirelessly connected to the internet using your Kindle device since October 5th, 2015. If you have been online with your Kindle device after October 5th, you are done. Go back to whatever it was that you were doing. On the other hand, if you have not wirelessly signed on to the web using your pre-2013 Kindle after October 5th, 2015, and you don't have the latest software version running on your model, you need to update your device by March 22nd (this Tuesday).
No matter which Kindle you own, you need to check the information listed in the slideshow below. It tells you which software version you need, and how to update it. Remember, this needs to be done no later than this Tuesday, March 22nd.
source: Amazon via Gizmodo
If you fail to update your device in time, you will see the following message: "Your Kindle is unable to connect at this time. Please make sure you are within wireless range and try again. If the problem persists, please restart your Kindle from the Menu in Settings and try again." If this message appears on or after March 22nd, you will have to manually install the new update. Check out the sourcelink for information on how to accomplish that.
source: Amazon via Gizmodo
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