Out of over 250,000 apps in the Android Market, only 50 occupy the majority of users' time

Few of you would probably be aware of that, but the market analysis experts at Nielsen launched an Android app of their own recently, through which they can gather usage data from Android users for statistical purposes. Well, the first batch of numbers is out so let us take a look at the pretty graphs and see what information the guys have come up with.
According to the study, a typical Android user spends almost an hour a day interacting with their handsets. About two thirds of that time accounts for using applications while the remaining one third is occupied by surfing the web. That seems pretty logical since most of the stuff that one would usually do online – checking their email, updating their Facebook status, tweeting about what is going on, watching a YouTube video and even getting their daily dose of lolcats can be easily done through a dedicated app.
Another interesting thing that the study discovered is that the top 50 most popular Android apps account for 61% of all users' time spent on interacting with their smartphone while the remaining hundreds of thousands applications in the Android Market get little to no attention whatsoever. This seems to be another case of quality over quantity as a smartphone user would not really need to carry around a thousand apps installed on their device. Instead, having a few that simply work appears to be a much better option. Still, the data may be pretty disturbing for those who want to make the world aware of a newly-developed application that is on par or even superior to the competition since bringing it to the attention of the customers may prove to be quite a challenge.
How about you? Do you stick to the Android apps that you know and love or prefer browsing through the market looking for gems that have yet to be discovered? Feel free to share your thoughts by dropping a comment below.
source: Nielsen Wire via Boy Genius Report
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