Opera Mini 6 Hands-on

Opera Mini is not nearly as powerful asthe Opera Mobile browser, but its latest 6th versionbrings a lot of exciting features to a great many platforms. We wentfor a quick hands-on on two Android-based devices, but the browsersupports other platforms as J2ME, BlackBerries and Symbian as well.
First thing you should know about thebrowser is that unlike its Opera Mobile sibling, it doesn't store itscore engine locally, but rather on Opera's servers, which iswhy the size of the browser is much smaller. While this has someadvantages and allows it to run on lower-end handsets, with OperaMini you don't get support for Adobe Flash. If you canoverlook this, you'll be happy to see that it adds support forpinch-to-zoom gestures as well as quick sharing to the most popularsocial networks out there.
Just as with Opera Mobile, the Miniautomatically recognizes the type of your device (phone/tablet)on the Android Market and downloads a proper version. The maindifference is in the looks – the tablet optimized version has aconveniently located menu bar on top, not the bottom, and a simpleyet effective implementation of tabbed browsing via a small pop-up.It's key advantage lies in its traffic-savvy nature – you cancustomize your browsing experience through the Opera Turbo mode,which compresses web pages and saves you precious bytes and bits.Check out the video below to see it in action!

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