Office for iPad shows its first bug, affects SharePoint 2010 users

It looks like Microsoft let a littlefault slip by while it was working to bring Office to the iPad.Regular users need not worry - it's hardly something that would popup in the middle of an intensely heated, extra funspreadsheet-on-a-tablet session. Not-so regular users that rely onSharePoint 2010, however, are facing an obstacle. The problem is that Microsoft's collaborative editing platform relies on ActiveXcontrols to access documents, and these are a famous no-go on iOS. Asyou may remember, Apple chose to move away fromtechnologies that rely on plug-ins, like Flash and Silverlight, early in the iPhone's history.
Thus, users that try to open a documentfrom a SP 2010 Document Library, will be greeted with a soothing"there is no SharePoint Foundation application available to openthe app.” message.
Luckily, there are workarounds.Fresh-faced Office for iPad users can either "Add a Place withinthe application that will connect to the SharePoint DocumentLibrary", or download a copy of the file. If the languagedoesn't make sense to you, both solutions are detailed in the sourcelinks.
To Microsoft's credit, the companypublished these workarounds the same day the product launched. Thismeans it was aware of the issue and presented existing solutions asquickly as possible. Hopefully there aren't other mishaps, or atleast such that will catch both Microsoft and its customersunprepared.
source: MS TechNet 1, 2via TheRegister
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