Now Windows Mobile handsets on T-Mobile can get visual voicemail for free

Visual Voicemail may be considered as a luxury that may not be needed by the average user. Fortunately for some T-Mobile customers, they soon may be able to experience the wonders of visual voicemail if they own a Windows Mobile smartphone. Up until now, BlackBerry Bold 9700 and Android owners were the only ones to lavish in the benefits of VVM – thanks to a specially hacked ROM and some clicks with your mouse, you can get it for free. The CAB file was extracted from a leaked ROM; thus allowing Windows Mobile owners to take advantage of the service. It doesn’t end there just yet, you’ll have to log into your account and change the designated photo of your Windows Mobile handset to a BlackBerry Bold 9700 – this basically allows you to add the visual voicemail service for free. Once you’ve added on that specific feature, you’ll need to switch the device back to you phone. When you complete all the steps carefully, you can go ahead and start taking advantage of this service.
source: xda-developers via wmpoweruser
source: xda-developers via wmpoweruser
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