Nokia gets down to business, offers Lumia phones for free trial to UK companies

Nokia's latest promotional campaigntargets the business-end of its potential user base in the UK. Intrue Microsoft fashion, the company wants to give 200 UK businesses afree 28-day trial of its signatureLumia models from three price ranges. The point is to demonstrate howsmoothly they integrate within a Windows-based working environment.
Indeed, Windows Phone's common traitswith its Microsoft software relatives, such as SharePoint, SkyDrive,Outlook, and Office, would allow for a quick switch. This does soundlike a compelling proposition for companies, but Nokia expectsparticipants to be okay with "any quotes, survey information,and data" gained from their participation eventually being used"for promotional purposes". While this information won't besold to 3rd parties, it "may be distributed to relevantorganizations" as Nokia sees fit.
Contradictions aside, Nokia's trialpack includes three trial devices which are the Lumia 520, Lumia 625,and Lumia 925. Each phone will come complete with its correspondingbox and charger. The trial pack will also include videos, a SIM cardcutter, three SIM Card adapter trays, three business guides, and apersonalized letter. These will all be sealedinside a Presentation box, that will be securely packaged inside adelivery box.
If you want to test-drive theaforementioned devices and services in your business, head to thelinks below.
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