Ninja Time Pirates hands-on

It’s not every day we get a dose of history in a mobile game, but the creative minds from game developer HappyGiant manages to hit that void. In Ninja Time Pirates, an RPG squad based shooter, we’re given control of Retro, the masked ninja time pirate, who travels back into time to enact time guardians to fend of aliens who are trying to alter mankind’s history.
Using a mixture of game plays, we’re able to control our group of historical figures to battle against the oncoming aliens intent on taking control of the world in different periods throughout history. Now, these time guardians include historical figures like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Cleopatra, Erik the Red, Blackbeard, and much more – all of which, have their own unique special attacks. Controlling our group is pretty simple, as we rely on touch operation to navigate our band throughout the map. When an enemy is on the map, all we need to do is tap on them to get our crew to attack them.
In our time checking out the game on an iPad during PAX East 2014, the pacing of the game was pretty intense – with barely any slowdown with its performance. Part action, part strategy, there’s an enlightening element to the game that gives us a dose of action and history all at the same time. We could honestly spend some time trying to figure out the best option in achieving our goals, but we’re certain it has a fair amount of replay value.
Are you itching to check this one out? Well, you’ll be glad to know that it’s available to download for free right now through the App Store. Game on folks, game on indeed!
Ultimately, the objective of Nina Time Pirates is to rid each level of aliens bent on taking control of the time period. The graphics are pretty snazzy, since it blends a fair amount of 3D effects to accentuate the attacks and actions. Needless to say, we can attempt to barrel through a level by attacking the enemy head on, but the strategy element of the game makes us think more consciously about our actions. Instead, we can choose to be stealthier with our approach – or simply steal some of the vehicles throughout the environment to give us an edge with the action.

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