New smartphone gets you $10 per line discount on a Verizon Family SharePlan

With smartphones now in almost everypocket, Verizon is on the right track with the $9.99 per linediscount it offers if you buy a new smartphone on a multi-line FamilySharePlan. The offer waves the monthly additional fee for anadditional line and can save you up to $240 per line for the two-yearspan of the contract. It starts on November 19th, just asHoliday season approaches, and ends onJanuary 7th, 2011. You can have up to four additionallines on a Family SharePlan and a new smartphone for each one ofthose would qualify you for the $9.99 discount. As Verizon putsit, “This is an ideal option for customers with a spouse or childwanting to move to a smartphone”.
Unfortunately, it seems that existingsmartphone users will not be included in Big Red's discounted plan.Only a new smartphone purchase on a Family SharePlan line andsubscription to a $29.99 unlimited data plan will make you eligible.Finally, if you are feeling confused with all the new smartphonescoming out, take a look at our custom tailored selection of the bestthe industry can offer in the CellPhones Holiday Gift Guide 2010 and share yourchoice!
source: IntoMobile
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