New York man accused of interfering with Sprint's 1900MHz pipeline in Queens, New York

A gentleman named Jian Chang is being charged by the FCC with illegally running equipment that interferes with Sprint's network in the New York borough of Queens. The FCC says that the problem is occurring on the 1900MHz band and is originating from equipment that Chang controls from property he owns. Sprint originally complained about the problem on March 10th.
Chang has not been cooperating with the FCC. He has refused to admit to the interference, and will not allow the FCC to physically examine the offending equipment. He has until September 19th to respond to a citation issued to him, dated on August 19th. If Chang fails to respond, additional sanctions could be placed on him. So far, he has not replied to any letters sent by the Federal agency.
The whole ordeal could end up costing the offender as much as $16,000 for each time, or each day he interfered with the Sprint network. The maximum fine is $122,500. Sprint uses the 1900MHz band for FDD-LTE service, and to carry CDMA voice service.
"The device at this location is injecting noise into the Sprint network and degrading or blocking service to Sprint's customers. Chang refused to assist the agents and refused to allow the inspection of any offending transmitter."-FCC
The whole ordeal could end up costing the offender as much as $16,000 for each time, or each day he interfered with the Sprint network. The maximum fine is $122,500. Sprint uses the 1900MHz band for FDD-LTE service, and to carry CDMA voice service.
source: FierceWireless
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