Hugo Barra is still on stage talking about the virtues of the brand new Xiaomi Mi 5, its ceramic body, and its Snapdragon 820 value for money exchange, but it's another handset that really grabbed out attention - the updated Mi 4s version that Xiaomi just announced. With metal frame, sandwiched between two glass halves, and with a new round finger scanner on the back, it is a thing of beauty, and is available pretty in pink, too.
The phone has almost the same specs as the Mi 4c last year, meaning a 5" 1080p display, Snapdragon 808, 3 GB of RAM, 13 MP camera and 3260 mAh battery, but it now comes in a much sleeker body, with a fingerprint scanner, and with a price to die for, at least in China.
Moreover, Xiaomi has upgraded the Mi 4s internal storage to the whopping 64 GB, which, at just about $260, is a grand bargain, no matter how you slice it, when the phone hits in March, together with the Mi 5. That is, of course, the price in China if you buy directly from Xiaomi, but even when it gets through resellers and global shipments, it is unlikely to cross the $300 mark by much, if history is any indication, and that is a pretty good price for such a pretty, well-equipped phone, don't you think?
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Daniel, a devoted tech writer at PhoneArena since 2010, has been engrossed in mobile technology since the Windows Mobile era. His expertise spans mobile hardware, software, and carrier networks, and he's keenly interested in the future of digital health, car connectivity, and 5G. Beyond his professional pursuits, Daniel finds balance in travel, reading, and exploring new tech innovations, while contemplating the ethical and privacy implications of our digital future.
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