National Cell Phone Recycling Week commences tomorrow

With Earth Day approaching fast, it looks like everyone is trying their best to clean up the planet. We’ve already start seeing people across the world conserve energy by participating during Earth Hour which was held on March 28. Starting tomorrow, the Environmental Protection Agency is dubbing the week as National Cell Phone Recycling Week. The EPA and their e-cycling partners are trying to promote the awareness of recycling unused cell phones. They are partnering with major retailers and wireless carriers across the country to provide drop-off sites for PDAs, phones, batteries, chargers, and any other unwanted accessories. With many consumers becoming eligible for upgrades as their two year contract end date nears, many decide to ditch the old phone in favor for a new one. Some may choose to keep their device as a backup instead of throwing it away. If you have a collection of phones from over the years, head on over to your local store and recycle them. You never know, it’ll make you feel good knowing you’re helping out the planet.
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