Movie theater ejects a woman for texting, and turns her hate-voicemail into a PSA

We've all done it. But, we also judge everyone else for doing it. Don't be perverted; we're talking about texting in a movie theater. And while every theater seems to have an ad/public service announcement warning you not to use your phone, the Alamo Drafthouse in Texas is taking the rule more seriously.
Since 1997, the Drafthouse has had a strict no-phone policy, which they admit has alienated some customers. But the rest of us appreciate it. After a woman was recently ejected for texting, she left an angry, profanity-ridden voicemail with their corporate office. Rather than delete the message, the Alamo Drafthouse decided to turn the hatefully hilarious message into a public service announcement.
We love our devices. But there is a time and a place, and the movie theater isn't it. Good work, Alamo Drafthouse.
source: AlamoDrafthouse (YouTube) via Forbes
Their new PSA will be featured before every R-rated movie, featuring the full, possibly-drunken message. And following the voicemail, the PSA reads "You're welcome! Thanks for not coming back to the Alamo, texter!"
We love our devices. But there is a time and a place, and the movie theater isn't it. Good work, Alamo Drafthouse.
source: AlamoDrafthouse (YouTube) via Forbes

Things that are NOT allowed: