Most Sidekick data recovered from the black hole

Roz Ho, Corporate V.P of Premium Mobile Experiences for Microsoft, wrote in a T-Mobile forum that most-if not all-of the missing data that disappeared from Sidekick devices, has been recovered. She writes, "We are pleased to report that we have recovered most, ifnot all, customer data for those Sidekick customers whose data wasaffected by the recent outage. We plan to begin restoring users’personal data as soon as possible, starting with personal contacts,after we have validated the data and our restoration plan. We will thencontinue to work around the clock to restore data to all affectedusers, including calendar, notes, tasks, photographs and high scores,as quickly as possible.We now believe that data loss affected a minority of Sidekickusers. If your Sidekick account was among those affected, pleasecontinue to log into these forums for the latest updates about whendata restoration will begin, and any steps you may need to take. Wewill work with T-Mobile to post the next update on data restorationtiming no later than Saturday."
Was it a Gremlin that caused the problem? Bugs Bunny ran into one of those things, and the ugly thing nearly took out the hare's airplane. You can imagine what it could do to a server network. So is this all behind Sidekick users? Did you get all of your data back? One thing for sure, you will get one free month of service and a $100 credit. Not bad for two weeks work.
Sidekick LX 2009 Specifications | Review
source: T-MobileForum via BGR
Sidekick LX 2009 Specifications | Review
source: T-MobileForum via BGR
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