More iPhone pictures coming in from Vietnam

More iPhone pictures coming in from Vietnam
Over the last two days, some pictures of the fourth generation iPhone have appeared, dateline Vietnam. The photos that came in on Thursday show the handset-new flat back and all-running OS 4. Engadget has a tipster that confirms that the markings on the phone, "N90 PRO2", refers to "Working Prototype 2" for the new iPhone which is code named "N90". As we showed you Wednesday, those pictures featured some sort of fireball on the iPhone's screen with the word "Inferno" written through it. The new shots show the phone powered by the new iPhone OS 4. French site Be Geek received some pictures from the same Vietnamese web site that leaked the original set of photos on Wednesday. All signs point to this being the identical looking device to the one that was lost in that now famous San Jose bar. Have we found the next iPhone? It sure would seem to be that way.

Apple iPhone 4G Preliminary Specifications

source: Taoviet via BeGeek (translated), Engadget

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