Microsoft’s Surface Duo plagued by copy/paste issues

Microsoft’s Surface Duo plagued by copy/paste issues
Microsoft’s Surface Duo device is one bizarre contraption in a smartphone world, dominated by tall aspect ratios and flexible screens. The company decided that what people needed was a double-screen 4:3 phone, and even though the build and execution of the Duo were almost flawless, there’s much to be desired on the software front.

Surface Duo owners have been subjected to mediocre and dull software updates for quite some time now, and the latest update has brought another issue to the table. As you might know, the Duo is a two-screen device, and being one means that functionalities like Copy/Paste are crucial for its performance and usability.

It turns out that after the December 2021 update, the Surface Duo has started to display abhorrent behavior when it comes to the copy and paste features. Reddit user Chris St Aubyn is the one that gave voice to the discontent of the masses with an appropriate thread. According to Aubyn, the copy/paste feature is now broken on some Duo devices.
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He’s not alone, though. In the same thread, users are corroborating his experience. One Duo owner wrote that the new patch is “ruining my whole multitasking experience.” While another one complained: “I’m having a problem where text that is copied from one screen doesn’t paste on the other. Which for me destroys almost the whole point of dual screens.”

Microsoft promised an update to Android 11 for the Surface Duo until the end of the year but looking at the calendar this promise would be one that’s hard to keep. Are there any Duo users among us? How’s the copy/paste feature working for you guys? Let us know in the comments below.

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