Microsoft to update its Surface and Pro tablets today

Owners of Microsoft Surface 2, SurfacePro, and Surface 2 Pro tablets should be receiving firmware updatestoday. What's on the menu? First, all three of them will be made towork with the new $200 Surface Power Cover accessory, which went upfor pre-order yesterday. Also, the trio will receive improvedmulti-touch support when using the Touch and Type Covers' touch-pads.
As for each tablet's respectiveupdates, the Surface 2 will respond better to being powered up fromsleep mode. It will also have undisclosed stability and experienceimprovements. The Surface Pro and Pro 2 will have some wirelessconnectivity issues resolved, as well as better Miracast support. TheSurface Pro 2 alone will receive the option of daisy chainingmonitors through DisplayPort 1.2, as well as improved BitLocker usage- you will be able to input your PIN from the Surface cover.
via Neowin
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