You know how it get your monthly cell phone bill and look at all the additional charges, regulatory fees, local & state taxes and think there must be a better way. MetroPCS is hoping to make things simpler, and to
add more customers, by introducing their new
Wireless for All plans, which range from $40-$60 per month. All of them include what you've come to expect from MetroPCS (unlimited voice with long distance, voicemail, text/picture messaging, and web access), but now also includes state & local
taxes and regulatory fees to make it a truly flat-rate bill. Roger Linquist, president, CEO and chairman ofthe board of MetroPCS is quoted saying "We're simplifying our service plans andeliminating the guesswork associated with regulatory fees and state andlocal taxes that, in the past, have caused consumers' monthly bills tofluctuate. Just as we pioneered no contract, flat-rate and unlimitedservices, we remain committed to delivering innovative, competitiveservice plans, a high-quality wireless network and more choices ofaffordable phones."
source: MetroPCS
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