Metal-clad NEO M1 to come out of China with Windows Phone 8.1?

Out of the blue, Chinese vendor NEOpublished a photo of its M1 smartphone, an Android handset, runningWindows Phone. As you can see, this is a sleek-looking phone, and itsspecs aren't disappointing, either. The NEO M1 has a 5-inch 720pdisplay, a quad-core MediaTek CPU running at 1.3GHz, 1GB RAM, 8GB ofstorage space, 13MP camera made by Sony, and a 2000mAh battery.Meanwhile, the body is not a metal-imitating slab of plastic, but aslim, full-blown metal shell. Some Chinese manufacturers have beenstepping up their design efforts lately, and the outcomes are ratherpleasing to the eye, if not exactly original.
Microsoft's decision to give outWindows Phone sans license fees to interested vendors is alreadybeginning to result an increased variety of WP handsets that aren'tLumia. And that's a good thing. If Microsoft wanted Nokia to be thesole provider of Windows Phones, it wouldn't have bothered to inkpartnerships with the likes of Samsung, HTC, and Lenovo, would it?
It has to be noted, though, that theNEO M1's MediaTek CPU is not supported by Windows Phone, or at leastisn't announced as such. Maybe the vendor will opt for Qualcomm'sprevious-generation Snapdragon S4 chipsets , but that's onlyspeculation. Regardless, keep the salt-shaker nearby when it comes tothe M1.
via WMPowerUser
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