Looking for a business or restaurant with a gender neutral bathroom? Time to open the Yelp app

Yelp can tell you if a particular business or restaurant has a gender neutral bathroom
So where can you find this information? How about Yelp. Since Yelp relies on crowdsourced information, it is asking those who send in reviews of businesses or eateries to include in their reviews whether or not a location includes a gender neutral bathroom. And owners of businesses with listings on Yelp are being asked to edit them to indicate whether or not there is such a bathroom on their premises.
Yelp also was one of 52 tech companies that just filed an Amicus Curiae (or "friend of the court") brief supporting Gavin Grimm. Grimm is a transgender male who is being denied the use of the Boy's room in his school by the school board. Rachel Williams, Yelp’s head of diversity and inclusion, says that the decision to post locations of gender neutral bathrooms came from the recent changes in policy made by the Trump administration, which has removed federal protection for transgender students. Williams says that people in the company are getting upset with what is taking place in the country, and dropped other projects to get this new feature up and running in just two days.
"In response to the news of the last few days — and I’m super proud that the head of diversity and inclusion had nothing to do with it — people in this company were so incensed by what’s going on in our country, and to potential employees and customers, that they wanted to do something to support. The product team got it done within a couple of days. They dropped everything to add this feature. I’m overjoyed and proud."-Rachel Williams, head of diversity and inclusion, Yelp
source: TechCrunch
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