Lay back and have some fun – here are 6 apps to browse funny pictures and comics with!

Ah, the memes and comics that flow from the Internets – sometimes it's hard to catch 'em all! Well, in reality, it's virtually impossible to view each and every variation of a picture or piece of text and the contexts in which they were used. “Casual meme viewers”, should we call them that, most often just follow the hot and trending sections of various websites. But even the top-picks of community upvoted images can still be great in numbers. So, in short, it's great for entertainment, as users have a constant flow of funny images to keep them giggling, while it's probably not good for completionists, who may or may not go insane from the fact that a new batch of images is waiting as soon as they hit “refresh”.
So, by now, you've probably tried, or are even still using, one or two select apps, tied with your funnies source of choice. But have you explored the other apps out there? Well, we checked a few of them out, and made the following sweet selection of funny apps to burn time with, and bask in the giggles.
Yes, cliché, but we can't really make a list of meme-browsers without having 9GAG on there, right? Just in case you didn't know – it's probably the most popular source for user-generated, humorous content, consisting of the so called “rage comics”, memes, random funny pictures, et cetera. It took them a while to come out with an official app and, for any regular “9gagger”, there's no reason not to have it on your phone.
Another image-hosting service, Imgur launched a year after 9GAG and, despite it looking very different, it's built around the same premise – free image hosting and comment-based community. It has definitely grown through the years and is a formidable force by itself – definitely a good stop if you are on the hunt for some funnies.
In case you've never heard of C & H or Explosm Entertainment, be warned – its humor is often dark, offensive, and at times disgusting. But that's the point – the comic strips often deal with social issues, dogmas, and prejudice in their own satirical, witty, sometimes too much tongue-in-cheek way. There is good reason why it has been running for more than 10 years now and, if you can take the edginess, we'd certainly recommend following the series.
Reddit is a massive social website, focused on user-generated content. You can find almost anything on the site's “subreddits” (groups, dedicated to various interests) and that, of course, includes a lot of fun images. The two apps we have here – Redditur for iOS and rpics for Android – allow you to follow your favorite subreddits, and extract only the image posts from them. So, for example, you can add r/funny/ and have the app show you only the images that are posted on the subreddit. Should you desire to join the comments discussion, which will inevitably be on fire just below the image, a link to do so is provided.
Amazingly-styled comics, raging from innocent fun, to some dark comedy – we really like Comicked's work. As for the app – the iOS one works OK, while we had real trouble with the Android one – it's heavy, clunky, and doesn't display the images the way it should. Still, if you have an Apple device, you can enjoy those, while Android users will probably prefer to wait for an update.
Rage Comics are those super-simple, badly-drawn, user created comic strips, that are divided into four fields, telling a short story, which will often end with the protagonist going FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU at the end. Sorry, that's the best way to put this type of meme into words. So, due to their nature, rage comics are a bit uncomfortable to view on a smartphone, especially if it has a small screen or a low resolution. This app will fix that, as it detects the comic's different pictures and separates them into pages. So, instead of having to zoom in on different parts of the comic, you can now swipe through it as if it's a mini-book.
Price: free
Yes, cliché, but we can't really make a list of meme-browsers without having 9GAG on there, right? Just in case you didn't know – it's probably the most popular source for user-generated, humorous content, consisting of the so called “rage comics”, memes, random funny pictures, et cetera. It took them a while to come out with an official app and, for any regular “9gagger”, there's no reason not to have it on your phone.
Price: free
Another image-hosting service, Imgur launched a year after 9GAG and, despite it looking very different, it's built around the same premise – free image hosting and comment-based community. It has definitely grown through the years and is a formidable force by itself – definitely a good stop if you are on the hunt for some funnies.
Cyanide & Happiness
Price: $0.99
In case you've never heard of C & H or Explosm Entertainment, be warned – its humor is often dark, offensive, and at times disgusting. But that's the point – the comic strips often deal with social issues, dogmas, and prejudice in their own satirical, witty, sometimes too much tongue-in-cheek way. There is good reason why it has been running for more than 10 years now and, if you can take the edginess, we'd certainly recommend following the series.
Redditur / rpics for Reddit
Price: free
Reddit is a massive social website, focused on user-generated content. You can find almost anything on the site's “subreddits” (groups, dedicated to various interests) and that, of course, includes a lot of fun images. The two apps we have here – Redditur for iOS and rpics for Android – allow you to follow your favorite subreddits, and extract only the image posts from them. So, for example, you can add r/funny/ and have the app show you only the images that are posted on the subreddit. Should you desire to join the comments discussion, which will inevitably be on fire just below the image, a link to do so is provided.
Price: free
Amazingly-styled comics, raging from innocent fun, to some dark comedy – we really like Comicked's work. As for the app – the iOS one works OK, while we had real trouble with the Android one – it's heavy, clunky, and doesn't display the images the way it should. Still, if you have an Apple device, you can enjoy those, while Android users will probably prefer to wait for an update.
Rage Comics
Price: free
Rage Comics are those super-simple, badly-drawn, user created comic strips, that are divided into four fields, telling a short story, which will often end with the protagonist going FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU at the end. Sorry, that's the best way to put this type of meme into words. So, due to their nature, rage comics are a bit uncomfortable to view on a smartphone, especially if it has a small screen or a low resolution. This app will fix that, as it detects the comic's different pictures and separates them into pages. So, instead of having to zoom in on different parts of the comic, you can now swipe through it as if it's a mini-book.
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