Jony Ive: the iPhone X is function before form and will evolve to 'do things it can’t do now'

Jony Ive doesn't look back, so next year there might only be an iPhone XI and XI Plus
As a design team, our goal has been to get design out of the way
This has seemingly been the goal with the creation of Apple's first all-screen handset, the iPhone X, too. The whole point of its design has been to be a first iteration, as if a work in progress whose outer appearance doesn't define what it can do, but rather becomes an afterthought after you've perused it for a while:
I’ve always been fascinated by these products that are more general purpose. What I think is remarkable about the iPhone X is that its functionality is so determined by software. And because of the fluid nature of software, this product is going to change and evolve. In 12 months’ time, this object will be able to do things that it can’t now. I think that is extraordinary. I think we will look back on it and see it as a very significant point in terms of the products we have been developing.
So while I’m completely seduced by the coherence and simplicity and how easy it is to comprehend something like the first iPod, I am quite honestly more fascinated and intrigued by an object that changes its function profoundly and evolves. That is rare. That didn’t happen 50 years ago.
As for the future, the rumors that Apple is working on something big in augmented reality are reaching a crescendo mode, and the interview does convey that Jony Ive is now focused on products with less fixed functions, and more fluid approach to their abilities that will change and evolve over time. Needless to say, he remained mum on those, but left it with the following wise words:
I always think that there are two products at the end of a programme; there is the physical product or the service, the thing that you have managed to make, and then there is all that you have learned. The power of what you have learned enables you to do the next thing and it enables you to do the next thing better.
source: Wallpaper
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