Jobs says App Store still represents freedom
Apple CEO Steve Jobs found himself defending his decision to remove certain sexually explicit apps from the App Store. Some in the blogging community have complained that the Cupertino based firm has turned its' back on revolution and freedom by censoring the apps available for the iPhone, iPod and iPad. Jobs explained that the real revolution was about "breaking away" from the traditional PC experience. He said, "Yep, [it's] freedom from programs that steal your private data," he said. "Freedom from programs that trash your battery...Yep, freedom. The times they are a changin', and some traditional PC folks feel like their world is slipping away. It is." And while Apple has been criticized for continually changing what apps can and cannot be listed-including removing apps that previously had been allowed-the CEO and co-founder replied, "Users, developers and publishers can do whatever they like - they don't have to buy or develop or publish on iPads if they don't want to," Jobs said. "As for us, we're just doing what we can to try and make (and preserve) the user experience we envision. You can disagree with us, but our motives are pure." As far as removing sexually explicit apps is concerned, Jobs said that having children has changed his attitude toward such content.
source: electronista
source: electronista
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