Instant messaging client coming to the Microsoft KIN handsets?

It was almost unfathomable to see a“Windows Phone” branded handset to lack some of the most basicfeatures seen even on entry-level phones. Case in point, theMicrosoft KIN handsets which plays to the strength of socialnetworking conscious individuals out there. However, the lack ofsimple applications like a instant messaging one could make somepeople wonder how a device that gracefully integrates socialnetworking lacks this feature. Thanks to ROM hacker Conflipper, itlooks like the two handsets are in for a small treat as it's believedthat an instant messaging app is on its way. Deep down somewhere inthe software running the two KIN phones, he managed to uncover thefoundation for an instant messaging app which supports the usual trio– AIM, Windows Live Messenger, and Yahoo Messenger. In addition,Conflipper reveals that it's possible for the handsets to receivesoftware updates, however, Microsoft has yet to mention any futureupdates rolling out of the gates. When a handset is touted for beingsocial, it makes it hard to imagine that it lacks an IM client, buthopefully things start to shape up for the KIN phones.
Microsoft KIN ONE Specifications |Review
Microsoft KIN TWO Specifications |Review
source: Twitter via MobileCrunch
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