Indian gov't blocking Nokia push e-mail services
India seems to have become a testingground for mobile phone makers as they are requested to allowreal-time access to data about their users after the Indiangovernment stepped up its telecoms monitoring policy. BlackBerry, known for its secureencryption protocols making it hard for third-parties to spy on userdata, was the first victim. The Canadian maker felt singled out,which lead to the company's CEO leaving an interview with BBC afterimproperly worded question suggested that RIM had security issues.But that also showed how sensitive phone makers are to such changesin one of the world's biggest markets.
And now, Nokia faces somewhat similar issues.The Indian Government asked carriers to block Nokia's push e-mailservices until the company changes its system so government agenciescan track and monitor email communication. Representatives of thecompany said that they haven't yet heard about the change, but striveto meet government guidelines. India is one of the crucialmarkets for Nokia - one where it has traditionally held strong positions.Nearly 50% of Nokia's business E-series phones are activated for pushemail in India.
source: Economic Times via IntoMobile
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