Imagine mobile communication gear that creates its own ad hoc network

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is the modern day iteration of what began as APRA (same meaning without “defense”), which created the ARPANET, to which we all owe the modern day internet, which is what makes all of this fancy mobile technology stay connected.
In the wake of the disaster, DARPA began development on FLASH, Fire Line Advanced Situational awareness for Handhelds. It is an adaptation of a close air-support system that is used by US Army Special Operations, and enables communication and telemetry in areas that have no communications infrastructure, like cell towers or phone lines.
FLASH utilizes Wave Relay radio technology developed by a company called Persistent Systems, which is headquartered in India, and is on the leading edge of technology that touches banking, healthcare, life sciences, media, and telecommunications. Wave Relay forms a mobile network that is able to bounce signals between nodes, and around obstacles (the terrain at Yarnill Hill is quite rugged).
Unlike traditional short-range communications used in these types of scenarios, which require field towers and repeaters to provide only radio communications, FLASH only requires a single backhaul connection while aircraft and observers can interconnect everything – pin-point GPS on a map, radio communications, video feeds, photos, and the ability to tether.
FLASH can also connect with civilian infrastructure, like mobile networks and the internet. During the last run of testing, a team at DARPA in Virginia was able to seamlessly track everything happening in Arizona. Development is ongoing, but Chief Lucas wants to begin beta testing next spring. DARPA and Persistent Systems will be demonstrating the technology next to the United States Forestry Service. Below are some pictures, and a video demonstration of the FLASH prototype.

source: Popular Mechanics and DARPA
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