Ice Rage hockey game comes to Android, deathmatch mode and all

Ice Rage, made by Mountain Sheep and ported by HeroCraft, is a simple ice hockey game for mobile that has been available exclusively for iOS up until recently. However, the addictive title has now been ported for Android, and is currently available for the sweet price of $0.99.
The teams in Ice Rage are made up of only two players - one field player controlled by you, and a goalie, which is controlled by the computer. There's an option to move the goalie manually, but it makes for some frustrating experiences, as you use the same joystick to move both the field player and the goalkeeper...
While the game is very fun to play initially, it can quickly get a bit boring, due to the lack of different AI difficualties. You can add some action to the gameplay by increasing the speed, but as a whole, we find Ice Rage to be a relatively easy game. A more skillful AI would have made for a much bigger challenge and a longer life cycle. The lack of online multiplayer is also a bit disappointing, since the game already has quite a large following, and we can only imagine the tons of fun there would be in playing against other people online.
In the end, Ice Rage is a great game for iOS and Android, though what it offers is somewhat basic in its current form. Should the developer add harder difficulty settings and/or online multiplayer, that's when the game's full potential will be realized.
Download Ice Rage: Android | iOS

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