Humor: Coca-Cola introduces the cure for the hopelessly mobile-socially-addicted

Okay, this is a joke, but you must admit this might just work. At worst, it could be a really good gag gift for those friends of ours that bury their faces in their gadgets 100% of the time.
To think that something as simple as an enlarged dog collar (you know, the ones veterinarians put on dogs so they don’t…well you know) could be the answer to our dreams (or nightmares). After all, for some of us, the urge to check our phones is nearly as strong as a dog’s need to…uh...clean themselves.
Of course, Coca-Cola being the enterprise that it is, is hoping to capitalize to some extent. Put down the gadget, pick up a Coke, and interact in real time. That means not taking a picture of every meal you have each day, or participating in “vague-booking” (you know, Facebook status updates that reveal nothing and are nothing more than a co-dependent attempt to get people to comment).
Even as a joke, they need to bring this to market.
source: Coca-Cola (YouTube)
To think that something as simple as an enlarged dog collar (you know, the ones veterinarians put on dogs so they don’t…well you know) could be the answer to our dreams (or nightmares). After all, for some of us, the urge to check our phones is nearly as strong as a dog’s need to…uh...clean themselves.
Even as a joke, they need to bring this to market.

source: Coca-Cola (YouTube)
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