Huggies diapers develops app to tweet an alert to parent when it is time for a change

You may be thinking a whole new hashtag is on the horizon for Twitter, but perhaps not. TweetPee is an app developed by Huggies Brazil and it is currently being tested by four families.
The way it works is parent attach an owl shaped sensor to the baby’s diaper. The sensor is able to measure a change in humidity thus indicating a change will be needed to dry things up. If the sensor detects conditions that are wetter than they should be, it sends a text or tweet to the parents.
The app will also help keep track of diaper inventory so the family does not run out. Now a wet diaper can certainly be source of irritation, but we cannot help but think that the app would reach near hero-status if it could detect when…how shall we put this delicately…the load gets a little heavy. Of course, such an alert being tweeted to the masses may not be ideal, and heaven forbid if an app started sharing detailed statistics, or worse, pictures.
We are the types of folks to say, “never say never,” because companies rarely pass up an opportunity to make money. Parental reaction to the idea is obviously mixed, but it may prove to be a handy helper and we may yet see #pee trending on Twitter.
source: Buzz:60 via Breitbart
The way it works is parent attach an owl shaped sensor to the baby’s diaper. The sensor is able to measure a change in humidity thus indicating a change will be needed to dry things up. If the sensor detects conditions that are wetter than they should be, it sends a text or tweet to the parents.
There is little worry about that. Kimberly-Clark, the parent company for Huggies, says that this app, and TweetPee owl sensor, is a concept only and the company does not plan on making it available for purchase. The purpose is “showcase these parents’ experience with the app,” according to a company spokesman.
We are the types of folks to say, “never say never,” because companies rarely pass up an opportunity to make money. Parental reaction to the idea is obviously mixed, but it may prove to be a handy helper and we may yet see #pee trending on Twitter.
source: Buzz:60 via Breitbart

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