How much mobile data do you have included with your phone plan? (poll results)

While we all still make calls through our phones, throughout the last decade, they've grown into much, much more than just simple terminals to dial through. With the advent of mobile internet, and the proliferation of apps, the load on carriers' networks has been increasing at staggering rates for years now. We seemingly can't get enough data to fill our appetite. Most of the time, that's because it's just too expensive, as most networks globally offer either unlimited or more than generous enough allowances. If you have the money on hand, that is.
When we asked you to self-identify the data allowance category you belong to yesterday, we were expecting most people to report anywhere between 1GB and 3GB. Boy, were we wrong! Turns out, a whopping 27% of our readers are working with data packages in excess of 10GB, many of which unlimited judging by the comment section. The groups with allowances between 2GB and 3GB, 3GB and 5GB, 5GB and 10GB, all ranked about the same, with a share of anywhere between 12% and 14%. Only 8% of readers are stuck on a claustrophobic, 500MB per month plan.
Here's the detailed split:
Anyone else (pleasantly) surprised?
Things that are NOT allowed: