How much is too much? Vote for your phone screen resolution of choice

With even budget handsets starting off with HD 720p displays these days, midrangers boasting 1080p screens, and high-end models blasting off to the Quad HD mark, do we need higher mobile screen resolutions? Rumor has it that Samsung will have a 6" Ultra HD Super AMOLED display with 4K resolution in mass production next August, just in time for an eventual Note 5 announcement a month after.
The other two big players in the mobile display game, LG and Sharp, are also ready to introduce such mobile displays that will be breaking the unthinkable 700ppi pixel density barrier. It's certainly something to brag with, but, given that Quad HD phones today last less on average than their 1080p counterparts when it comes to battery life, which in their turn give away to 720p handsets, the constant resolution chase becomes somewhat moot.

Samsung's mobile display roadmap for 2015 includes Ultra HD resolution panels
That is why we wanted to ask you what smartphone screen resolution do you think is the best tradeoff between pixel density, power consumption and visibility. Granted, we have different screen sizes and matrix technologies, which changes the ppi count to an extent, but at these types of resolutions, it doesn't matter as much as it used to. Alternatively, the question might be read as asking what resolution is already enough on our phones, and the borderline from which manufacturers should look into more tangible screen quality characteristics like power consumption, brightness, reflection, and so on. Vote for your standardized pixel count of choice, and argue your opinion in the comments.
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