How much do you spend on apps and games per year?

Apple's initially humble App Store spearheaded the bite-size way of utilizing the small computers in our pockets instead of the one-size-fits-all approach we were used to on our PCs. Fast forward a few years later, and apps are now a multibillion industry, who would've thought?
Google Play saw twice the number of app downloads in 2015, compared to the App Store, yet Apple managed to grab the whopping 75% more revenue, up from 70% in 2014. The download numbers on both platforms are higher than the previous year, it's just that iOS users are paying much more for apps and games than their Android counterparts.
The tide has turned on the way developers profit from apps, too, with games and in-app purchases accounting for nearly 90% of the global revenues. Needless to say, it's games that count for the vast majority of revenue for the Google and Apple stores, and that's where the freemium model started, and now proliferates, forcing kids and parents alike to spend sometimes vast amount of money on those pesky time-wasters. That is why we wanted to ask you today how much do you spend on apps and games on average per year, regardless of the platform you use. Tell us in the poll below, and chine in what do you spend most on in the comments.
Google Play saw twice the number of app downloads in 2015, compared to the App Store, yet Apple managed to grab the whopping 75% more revenue, up from 70% in 2014. The download numbers on both platforms are higher than the previous year, it's just that iOS users are paying much more for apps and games than their Android counterparts.
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