How does the Nokia Lumia 800 fare against the other Windows Phone devices: spec comparison

We've just looked at how the Nokia Lumia 800 against the other Android and iOS heavyweights, but while in those lands the race is not so tightly regulated, in Windows Phone world everyone has to conform with Microsoft's rules about hardware. That doesn't completely exclude variety but admittedly makes the devices look pretty much similar. In return, you're sure that whichever device you pick at the store, you can expect the same smooth WP Mango experience.
That's why differentiation is extremely hard to achieve in the WP world – the tablet below should prove this pretty convincingly. We've picked three other top-tier devices on the platform – the Samsung Omnia W, the HTC Titan and the HTC Radar. The Titan certainly looks like the neighbourhood bully in their company – with its humongous 4.7-inch display it literally dwarfs its rivals.
But we should also pay attention to the benefits coming with Nokia WP devices – Nokia Drive gives you free navigation and Nokia Music is unique in the way it allows you to pick music. But what about the rest of the specs? Look at the nearly identical sheets and let us know if you think that might be a problem for any particular WP phone maker.

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