Holy Motherf&*$@# Batman, Siri talks like a truck driver (VIDEO-NSFW)

Siri, Siri, Siri. What are we going to do with you? You're beginning to act like one of those bad girls that appear on Dr. Phil's show, ending up in some rehab in Texas. And Siri, your performance lately has been abysmal. You recently finished last in a test among your peers like Google Assistant, Cortana and Alexa. And yes, we know you're tired of hearing about Alexa. Actually, we are surprised that you just don't randomly say "Alexa, Alexa, Alexa" in the same manner as Jan Brady's iconic cry, "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia."
This works on the Apple iPhone 5s and up, on newer Apple iPad models, and on MacOS. If you are away from the earshot of the kiddies, you can click on the video at the top of the screen. The theory is that Siri is sourcing this info from the Oxford Dictionary and once Apple catches wind of this, your fun with Siri is over as she gets her digital mouth washed out with digital soap.

Siri appears to be learning her bad language from the Oxford Dictionary
source: Reddit, OxfordDictionary
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