Here's what our readers would do if they had the most powerful smartphone on Earth

A few days ago, we asked you to imagine that you have the most-powerful and awesome smartphone on Earth - the ultimate smartphone! We wanted to see what you guys would actually use all that power for, and, unsurprisingly, we got some very creative answers! We didn't think of this idea just like that, though. It was born from our examination of the current mobile landscape, where we continuously see better and better smartphones, which, however, are being used for the same stuff as the smartphones from the past. Not that this is bad, of course, but we wanted to see if there's something revolutionary that users have on their minds, waiting until a bold company comes out and delivers it to them. Well, some answers were quite revolutionary indeed, although not necessarily in the same way we expected, but the fact is most of them were quite funny! We've selected the best ones for you to check out here...
If you had the most powerful smartphone on Earth, what would you do with it?
g2a5b0e: That's an easy one. Brag to everyone about how much better my phone is than theirs. :-P
sgtdisturbed47: The hardware in today's flagship phones have already surpassed the software in terms of what's required to operate the software to the fullest. Now it's all about internet speed, networking speed, screen size, and battery life (with a ton of silly fluff features sprinkled on). What would I do with a 5" phone with super fast performance and a battery that lasts longer than 48 hours with lots of talking, web surfing, games, and video? I'd wake up, because that's just a dream.
wendygarett: what would I do with it? I will surfing for 24 hours XDXD
ilia1986: It's not about power or specs or screen size or even OS. It's about usefulness. For all the billion advances made in smartphones, they still cannot totally replace even a 200$ cheapish netbook! We need to figure out how to improve smartphones in terms of productivity first and foremost. The goal is to have a smartphone which is as comfortable to use as a PC. That includes editing complex tables in excel, writing a 300 page word document, designing a complex model in autocad or maya, etc etc. Sure, an insanely great CPU, gigantic screen size, billion megapixel camera is all good, but it doesn't really improve productivity too much.
bobfreking55: hmm... "MOST" indicates there is only one. so I'd sell it for research purposes and reverse engineering. I don't need that much power. It might get stolen... I'd sell it to Google for the next Nexus or something.
deccanhitter: Its no good It is just to show off I have the most powerful phone and so do the others who own the phone.Dual or Quad is the same as long as it serves the same purpose.
Naitto: In a perfect world, to be-able to use NFC to pay for everything from vending machines, stores purchases to any kind of travel. “Would need a top notch camera for the travel”. To keep up on work productivity, whether it is charts, graphs, email, or real time conferences. To be-able to watch movies, read books, find news from around the world with no hesitation. Security, that this phone would work for me and only me.
DWillyEfect: World domination
remixfa: the most powerful phone on earth? Yea, Id put it in my pocket and pull it out to text. Great use of tech. lol
justme: Get a notice from VZW that I hit my data limit like I did today. :(
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