Have you ever lost your phone or had it stolen?

If you have ever left your phone behind in a bar, or had it outright stolen from your purse, you might think that this sort of thing is rare. According to a 2014 study by mobile security firm Lookout, however, that's hardly the deal.
Over 2,400 people took part in Lookout's survey between March 4 and March 20, with respondents hailing from the likes of the U.K., Germany, and France. The results? A staggering 44% of participants reported that they had their smartphone stolen after leaving it behind in a public setting, followed by 14% whose house/car was burglarized, and 11% who had it stolen from their hands, pocket, purse, or bag. Lookout identified restaurants as the most common public setting where phone theft occurs (mostly after people forget their gadget on the table).
Those numbers are pretty serious. Which is why we appreciate the efforts of companies such as Google and Apple who've pushed out some pretty handy, find-my-phone type solutions for their customers to make good use of in events like these. Still, we're pretty sure that a significant number of our own readers have had their smartphone stolen or lost it nevertheless. Are we correct?
reference: Lookout
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