Google tests new feature that will stop you from telling someone to "Google it"

Spotted by Android Police, the beta version of the Google Search app has received an update that includes a new way to share search results. So let's say you're having a bar stool argument with someone over the ten top homerun hitters in baseball history. You say that Alex Rodriguez topped Willie Mays and is fourth on the list while the other guy says that you're nuts. Normally, you might tell the guy to "Google it," but now there is a better way to share the information.
If you are a Google Search beta tester, search for baseball's top ten homerun hitters. Once the information comes back, you can share it by clicking on the share icon found on the right side of the search field next to the voice search icon. Tap on it and the Share via box will come up from the bottom of the screen giving you a cornucopia of sharing options. You can send it to the other guy via email, text or social media. Once he receives it, there will be no doubt who is wrong and who is right. In case you're interested, with 696 dingers to his credit, A-Rod did indeed top Willie Mays and is currently fourth on the all-time homerun list.
Since it is available now to those with the beta version of the Google Search app, it shouldn't be terribly long before an update brings this new feature to the public version of the Search app. Until it does, you just might have to settle arguments by telling the other guy to "Google it."

Google Search now includes a quick and simple way to share results
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