Google fixes burger and beer emojis in Android 8.1

Oh, Google, how could you mess up something so simple, so sacred?
Making a burger is pretty simple, right? You put the lettuce right under the top bun, so the tomato doesn't make it soggy, then comes the tomato, then the cheese, the patty, and the other bun. Bun, salad, cheese, patty, bun. Pretty simple stuff, right? But no, Google just had to go bun, salad, patty, CHEESE, bun instead. Utterly unacceptable! And don't get us started on the whole half-empty-beer-mug-with-forth-on-top thing! It's a mug, and there's beer in it, and it's half full/empty, but there's still froth on top! Pure, unadulterated madness!
Insufferable as these emojis may have been, rest assured that they're being fixed in Android 8.1. Just take a look at how much better the new versions are and bask in their astonishing... properness.

Left is wrong and right is right, obviously, but what about that second reflection in the beer mug? I'm not sure everyone will be pleased with that second reflection!
As you probably already know, all emojis need to be approved by Unicode before they can be used, but the actual design of the pictographs is a decision of the company implementing them in a product. It's a bit like fonts, really. For example, Apple uses the San Francisco font in iOS 11, while Google utilizes Product Sans in Android 8.1, and although the same line of text will look differently across the two platforms, it will still carry over its original meaning. Unless its a burger emoji and it looks all messed up! Here's a comparison of how Google's old burger emoji stacked up against the others, design-wise:

source: Emojipedia
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