New improvements are coming to Google's apps, the search giant announced. Starting today, voice typing to 30 languages and locales around the world is available in
Gboard on Android,
Voice Search and more.With the latest update, Google's speech recognition will support 119 language varieties in multiple apps.
Among the new languages added today, Google mentions support for ancient languages like Georgian. Support for many Indian languages has been added too, along with two of Africa's largest languages, Swahili and Amharic.
Google is used machine learning models when it added these 30 language varieties, which means accuracy will improve the more they are being used.
According to Google, all the new languages will be available soon across all its apps and products, including
Translate application. Keep in mind that in order to benefit from the new languages, you'll have to enable Voice Typing in your keyboard app.
In related news, in English in the U.S. you'll now be able to say something like “
winky face emoji” to express yourself. This specific feature will be available to more languages in the future.
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