Google bans cryptocurrency apps from the Google Play Store along with many others

Last month, Apple banned apps related to the mining of cryptocurrencies from the App Store. Apple's updated guidelines prevent iPhone users from doing the calculations needed to be awarded virtual currencies unless it is done using the cloud. Today, it was Google's turn. Every so often, Google updates its developer policies related to the inclusion of Android apps for the Google Play Store.
A long list of features that will automatically get an app banned from the Google Play Store include anything involved with the process of cryptocurrency mining. However, apps will be allowed that remotely manage such an act. Mining for cryptocurrencies involves solving complex mathematical formulas to help verify a transaction in the blockchain.
Google says that it will instantly remove any app that "sexualizes minors," or are designed to appeal to children but include adult content. Apps with images showing the sexual abuse of children will be reported to law enforcement officials and those developers and distributors associated with the app will have their Google accounts deleted.
Apps that promote hate speech, violence, self harm, discrimination based on various factors such as sexual orientation or gender, are also banned. That includes apps from terrorist organizations. The Google Play Store will not allow the listing of apps that deal in deceptive financial instruments or those that deal in binary options with all or nothing payouts. The image at the top of this article shows two examples of ads being disguised as system notification. Apps that contain this type of content are not allowed in the Google Play Store.
Other apps that are banned are those that deal in sexually explicit conduct such as suggestive poses, promotion of sex toys, content featuring bestiality and the promotion of escort services or any sex for pay services. Apps that profit off of natural disasters, death or other tragedies are not allowed in the Play Store as are those related to bullying and harassment.
As you might expect, apps dealing in illegal activities such as the selling, growing and manufacturing of illegal drugs (including promoting the use of prescription drugs without a prescription) will be banned. And apps that collect user data without disclosing such use in advance are also not allowed.
Believe it or not, we are just revealing the tip of the iceberg here. If you are a developer, or just merely curious, we suggest that you visit Google's Developer Policy Center by clicking on the sourcelink below.
source: Google
Things that are NOT allowed: