Google announced Android, open source mobile OS

Google announced Android, open source mobile OS

Today Google endedyears of speculation and announced its plans to enter the wirelessindustry. Google, along with 33 partners, have created the OpenHandset Alliance with the common goal of not only enabling handsetmakers and carriers to roll out technology faster, but also cheaper. There will be no gPhone, but instead Android, a linux-based mobileoperating system that will allow for “thousands of gPhones.” Notable partners include Sprint and T-Mobile on the carrier side,semiconductor partners Qualcomm, Nvidia, Broadcom, Texas Instrumentsand Intel and software companies include Google, eBay and PacketVideo (who powers Verizon’s VCast services.) The four handsetmanufacturers on board are HTC, LG, Motorola and Samsung. Notableabsences to the alliance are Verizon Wireless, AT&T and tophandset manufacturer Nokia.

Android is “afully integrated mobile ‘software stack’ that consists ofan operating system, middleware, user-friendly interfaces andapplications.” It will have an emphasis on web browsing andwill be scalable, allowing for QWERY and traditional keypads, big andsmall screens, etc. The SDK will be released to developers nextweek, and the product is expected to hit the market in the secondhalf of 2008.

source: Google

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