Google again wants to require full-disk encryption with Android 6.0

Google has wanted to make sure that all data on Android devices would be encrypted by default, but unfortunately that idea didn't go too well the first time around with Android 5.0 Lollipop. But, Google thinks it has gotten it right this time and will try again to require full-disk encryption for devices that release with Android 6.0 Marshmallow and higher.
The problem in Android 5.0 was that full-disk encryption caused a hit on performance that would be too much for some devices, so Google backed down and made it optional for manufacturers to turn on encryption by default. The new Android Compatibility Definition Document states:
For device implementations supporting full-disk encryption and with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) crypto performance above 50MiB/sec, the full-disk encryption must be enabled by default at the time the user has completed the out-of-box setup experience.
You'll notice there is two big caveats in the requirement. The first is the same as when Google tried this with Lollipop - full-disk encryption will only be required for devices that launch with Android 6.0. Devices that get Android 6.0 through an update would be exempt from this requirement. The second one is more important - requirement will also depend on the device meeting a certain performance standard.
Presumably, if a device meets the performance requirement, the hit to performance caused by encryption won't be as noticeable, and if it is done out of the box, users won't know what they're missing because it won't be possible to set up the phone without encryption.
Interestingly, Google is not requiring lockscreen security to be set up along with the full-disk encryption, which would seem to work against the security added by encryption to an extent. We'll have to see how users and manufacturers react to the requirements this time around.
source: Android CCD via Android Police
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