Google Maps April Fools let's you play Ms Pac-Man around the world

April Fools Day can be a divisive time. Some people go too far with the "pranks" and end up being jerks, some people love the irreverence, and some get annoyed with all of the brands tryng to get publicity with silly stunts (we're looking at you T-Mobile ONEsie...). But Google has a history of doing well by the non-holiday and this year is no different, because who can say no to Ms. Pac-Man?
The Google Maps team has a tradition of turning the product into a game for April Fools, and this year might be the best one yet, because it lets you play Ms. Pac-Man on the streets of places around the world. To be fair, Google did this before in 2015 with regular boring Pac-Man in Google Maps, but Ms. Pac-Man is way better so we don't mind the sequel. The game works on Android, iOS and the web and will either start the game in the location where you have your map centered or may also zoom you off to a random spot to play.
Whether the game brings you somewhere random or drops you where you are is a bit unclear, so to be safe you may want to try choosing your own location. Our first attempt left it at the current location and the game board ended up very boring with just three roads.

Things that are NOT allowed: