Google launches Storyboard, Selfissimo, and Scrubbies - "appsperiments" for your camera


Never shying away from experimenting with software andhardware, Google today announced Appsperiments - a series of app experimentsaiming to bring new, fun, and useful camera features to smartphone users aroundthe world. 


According to Google, the Appsperiments project was partiallyinspired by Motion Stills - an app that the company released in 2016 on iOS, andthis year on Android. Motion Stills uses automatic stabilization and renderingtechnology to create smooth GIFs and time lapses out of your photos and videos.Following a similar approach, Google is now launching three new apps, all partof the Appsperiments project: Storyboard, Selfissimo!, and Scrubbies. These newapps rely on various technologies that Google is currently working on,including person and object recognition, stylization algorithms, or advancedimage encoding / decoding solutions.


Here are Google's first appsperimental apps:


  • Storyboard (Android only) - easily transforms your videosinto single-page comics
  • Selfissimo! (Android and iOS) - an "automated selfiephotographer" that encourages you to pose. You start a selfie session bytaping the screen, and the app takes photos each time you stop moving and pose
  • Scrubbies (iOS only) - lets you control the speed and direction ofvideos in order to emphasize action or to create awesome loops

All three apps are free to download, and you can find themvia the source links below. Are you trying any of Google's new appsperiments? Let usknow if you find them useful or fun!


sources: Storyboard, Selfissimo! (AndroidiOS), Scrubbies,Google Blog

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