Girl tells her BF that his Samsung Galaxy S II is s*** after getting Blown Away by Nokia Lumia 800

Smoked by Windows Phone has become a way for Microsoft to show off how fast certain functions can be done on devices using its mobile OS vs. iOS and Android. Nokia has hijacked the promo for its own use as Blown Away by Nokia Lumia. Over in India, the Nokia crew decided to visit a college campus where they figured they would find a variety of smartphones to go up against the Nokia Lumia 800.
As we've told you, there are those iOS and Android users who believe that the whole promotion is a scam, while others point out that if some Android users knew their phone well, they could easily beat Windows Phone at some of the tasks. But let's head back to the Venkateswara Universityu campus in New Delhi where a young man came armed with a Samsung Galaxy S II. This model is considered the greatest Android smartphone produced to date by many, and for its battle against the Nokia Lumia 800 both phones had to snap a picture and upload it to Facebook.
source: NokiaIndia via WMPoweruser
You can check the video below to see what happened, but we feel compelled to tell you that the Nokia Lumia 800 won the contest. So while the young man had to confess on video that his Samsung Galaxy S II was "Blown Away by Nokia Lumia," his girl friend didn't take it as well as he did. After asking him if they could leave a few times, she seemed embarrassed by what she might have considered a wimpy performance by the Android device. This was a female not impressed with those 3000+ scores that the Samsung Galaxy S II has scored on the Quadrant benchmark test. Her comment to her boyfriend? "Your phone is a worthless piece of s***". Not too many people have characterized the Samsung Galaxy S II in this way, but we see a Nokia Lumia 800 in someone's future. Ironically, just the other day Samsung complained that the Nokia campaign was unethical.
source: NokiaIndia via WMPoweruser

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